Anna Paquin measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe and bra size
Anna Paquin was born in New Zealand and raised in Canada. She is a Canadian New Zealander actress who has appeared in films like The Piano and Fly Away Home. She also appeared in X-Men. Her fate had other plans. To remain focused on her academics, she turned down many opportunities following the success of her debut movie. She returned to film when she was 14 taking on roles like Jane Eyre and Fly Away Home. Her part in The X-Menthe XMenfilm set was the first role to bring her fame. Her role was reprised as Roguein sequels, including X2 and X-Men The Last Stand.She has also had brief appearances on screen, most notably in Elaine Goodalein Bury My Heart at Wounded Kneefor which she received her first Emmynomination. She soon received offers to act in TV shows and she was cast in shows like True Bloodand Flack. |
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